Published inWultra Blog CZPár mega v pr**li, aneb strategie pro rozvoj mezinárodního obchodu českých B2B IT firemČesko má spoustu šikovných firem, které se se svými produkty a službami dostali za hranice. Bohužel to většinou nejsou IT firmy.May 14, 2024May 14, 2024
Published inWultra BlogWultra Turned from a Bootstrapped Company to a Venture-Backed Company in 2022We want to tell you more about how we did in 2022 and what we plan for 2023. We had a good year, but we also have much work ahead.Mar 11, 2023Mar 11, 2023
Wultra Grew by 68% in 2021, Increasing Its International Presence.Despite the global turmoil, we not only managed to keep our company healthy but also achieved growth with an optimistic outlook for 2022…Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
Published inWultra BlogMalwarelytics: Introducing Our New Product Explainer VideoHaving a great product is not enough these days. One must also tell the world about it. An explainer video is an excellent way to build…Apr 4, 2022Apr 4, 2022
Published inWultra Blog CZTradiční pasti při obsazování B2B sales pozic pro prodej softwarových produktůStavíme obchodní tým. Stavíme ho již podruhé. Náš první pokus tragicky selhal. Firma začala znovu růst až poté, co jsme celý obchodní tým…Apr 3, 20225Apr 3, 20225
První osadník na planetě MarsJe březen 2020. Trochu v panice se vracím ze služební cesty v Budapešti. Vlaky zpět nejedou ani přes Slovensko, ani přes Rakousko. Autobusy…Sep 14, 2021Sep 14, 2021
Published inWultra BlogUsing SMS OTP as 2-Factor Authentication in Banking and Financial AppsSMS authentication is considered outdated because of high costs, low user convenience, insufficient regulatory compliance, and low security.Jul 20, 2021Jul 20, 2021
Published inCodeXStatic Company Website Backup in Amazon S3 Bucket for the Last Resort Disaster RecoveryOur company website is down for 8 hours. We rely on the platform provider for hosting. Nothing is under control, we can just wait.May 28, 20211May 28, 20211
Published inWultra Blog10 Cybersecurity Startups in the Czech Republic in 2021The Czech Republic is home to a thriving cybersecurity startup ecosystem. We prepared a list of ten noteworthy cybersecurity startups.Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Published inWultra BlogMobile Token Gets A Major Design FaceliftWe believe that security improvements must go hand in hand with an amazing user experience. That’s why we gave our mobile token app a big…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021